Ascentive Performance Center Manual Removal

This annoying software is not coming off of a customers machine. As many already know, ascentive is associated with that annoying tv commercial for For any who are reading and dont know, do NOT download anything from ascentive, as it turns out to be close to impossible to remove the crap programs that get installed. Not to mention saving your money. So onto my issue. I have removed all the programs Active Speed, PC SpeedScan Pro, Spyware Striker Pro, and PC ScanAndSweep Pro. As far as I can tell they are all off, but I am still unable to find how to remove the performance center as it pops up with a status alert stating I need to download the forementioned programs. I also believe this is the reasong my customers machine is slow to boot up, and just plain slow overall. OS is Vista Home, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor TK-57 1.90 GHz. 3 GB Ram. Toshiba Satellite L305D Laptop.
I have run scans with avast antivirus, Malwarebytes, and spyware doctor pro which have removed all the programs it appears except the Performance center. Any further suggestions are greatly appreciated, and I can post a hijackthis log if I can get instructions on how to do so. Forgive me, but I've never posted a log before.
Ascentive Performance Center Manual RemovalRemovalCenter

Ascentive Performance Center Manual Removal Tool

I have had the same problem after getting hijacked by Ascentive Performance Center. After days of wrestling with the problem and using several different malware scanners, I finally stumbled upon Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. Takes about two hours to do a full scan, but it will. Removing Ascentive Performance Center Hi All, I just removed the Ascentive program from my computer. What I noticed was during the removal from the control panel there is also a small box that ask.